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photo of Hubei Provincial Museum
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    Hubei Provincial Museum, located by beautiful East Lake of Wuchang District, is one of the most famous museums in China and one of national key scenic spots. It has collected numerous cultural relics at national treasure level, of which the most famous is Zenghouyi Serial Bells of two thousand years ago, which were well preserved and unearthed in Leigudeng, Suixian County of Hubei. They are composed of dozens of serial bells of different sizes. Although they experienced thousands of years, their tone quality and tone color are still wonderful. The unearthed King Yue's Goujian Sword and King Wu's Fuchai's Spear of two thousand years ago are still splendid and sharp without any rust. The unearthed painted wares, used by ancient Chu people, are still colorful, whose wonderful shapes were hailed as the acme of perfection. Hubei Provincial Museum has collected Hubei ancestors' articles for everyday use and articles for war from Old Stone Age, New Stone Age to the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The worldwide experts and tourists all marvel at these articles for the elaborate craft, wonderful shapes and ingenious design.

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